Established in 1937

Ideal Poultry is one of the largest suppliers of quality backyard poultry in the United States


One Of The Largest Suppliers Of Quality Backyard Poultry Since 1937

Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms, Inc., first known as Ideal Hatchery & Poultry Farm, has been producing quality poultry since brothers Leo and Theo Fuchs (pronounced Fox) started the business in 1937. Leo and his wife Edna were sole owners of Ideal from 1946 until 1973 when they sold the business to Monroe, their youngest son.

Ideal Poultry continues as a family owned and operated business, currently being equally owned by three of Monroe’s children; Gary, the President, is responsible for all poultry production including supervision of the hatchery and breeding farms; Janet Crouch, Vice President is responsible for sales and management of the office staff, Vice President, Teri Adcox is responsible for overseeing the shipment of all of Ideal’s products and supervising internet and retail sales.

Chukar Partridge

Chukar Partridge are uniquely colored, attractive, little birds that are just the right size for an individual serving of succulent

Broad Breasted White Turkey

Broad Breasted White Turkeys are very fast growing double-breasted turkeys, which are used by all commercial turkey growers for the

Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey

Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are fast growing double-breasted turkeys, which have the beautiful natural color of wild turkeys. Poults must

White Chinese Geese

White Chinese Geese are pure white, have a yellow bill, a knob on their head and an upright carriage. They

Brown Chinese Geese

Brown Chinese Geese are an elegant, attractive, ornamental, gray variety that has become very popular for the farm goose flock.

African Geese

Brown African Geese are large, have a knob on the head and the same unique gray color pattern of the

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Chukar Partridge

Chukar Partridge are uniquely colored, attractive, little birds that are just the right size for an individual serving of succulent

Broad Breasted White Turkey

Broad Breasted White Turkeys are very fast growing double-breasted turkeys, which are used by all commercial turkey growers for the

Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey

Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are fast growing double-breasted turkeys, which have the beautiful natural color of wild turkeys. Poults must

White Chinese Geese

White Chinese Geese are pure white, have a yellow bill, a knob on their head and an upright carriage. They

Brown Chinese Geese

Brown Chinese Geese are an elegant, attractive, ornamental, gray variety that has become very popular for the farm goose flock.

African Geese

Brown African Geese are large, have a knob on the head and the same unique gray color pattern of the


Production Red

Production Reds were developed from Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds for efficient brown egg production. Production Red chicks

California White

California Whites are an efficient white egg layer that was developed in the 1950’s at Dryden Poultry Breeding Farms in

Blue Laced Red Cornish Bantam

Cornish bantams were developed by crossing standard Cornish with Black Red Game bantams. Blue Laced Red Cornish bantam chicks are

Black Cochin Bantam

Cochin bantams first appeared in England around 1860. It was first considered that they had been bred down from large

Partridge Chantecler

The Partridge Chantacler originated in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada using Partridge Wyandottes, Partridge Cochins, Dark Cornish and Rose Comb Brown Leghorns.

Buff Duck

Buff Ducks have an even shade of rich-buff plumage with the exception of the head and upper portion of the

Black Star

Black Stars were developed in the 1950’s by crossing a New Hampshire Red male with a Barred Plymouth Rock female

Rouen Duck

Rouen Ducks, which belong to the Heavy Weight Duck Class, have beautiful, unique, attractive color patterns and are one of